Your dream gives you a sense of meaning and purpose that drives you to your chosen future. Your dream is the tool that molds you into the perfect…you! Dreams are not a coincidence. As we pursue our dreams we grow into our full potential and become the person we were designed to be.
What have you been dreaming of since you were a child? Define it and go for it! Chasing your dream will bring you true happiness that can be shared with the world. Get creative with how you can learn, grow, and do the things you always dreamed of doing. We live in a world full of opportunities for growth! Remember…dreams don’t work until YOU do!!
So don’t let your dreams be just…. dreams!
Be an inspiration for others. If you pursue your dreams you will give hope to others who are afraid to do the same. You can become the example dreamer and the reason why others will step out in faith and live their own dreams. The pursuit of your dream will not only help them but will coach them and encourage them to keep going.
If you set yourself on fire the whole world will gather around to watch you burn.
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